Fellman to talk top sales tips

Print sales guru Dave Fellman is on his way to Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland in May to share his top sales secrets with printers.

Tickets to the one-day events are selling fast, and bookings close at the end of April so print business owners and sales staff as well as those who manage them, are advised to book early for this limited seat opportunity.

The Australian Printer columnist, author and speaker will take print sales staff and managers at the full-day seminars through the six critical skills for sales success.

Dave Fellman

Master print salesman: Dave Fellman

He will teach prospecting, questioning, convincing, negotiating, time management and customer maximisation skills in depth. There will also be bonus segments on effective sales management for owners and sales managers, and how to talk marketing with your customers and prospects.

Brian Moore, group publisher at PMG (Printer Magazines Group) which is organising the events, says seats are selling fast for the targeted seminars, which will directly address how to sell print in today’s tough environment.

He says, “This is a great opportunity to learn from a master salesman. All printers can print, but not all are selling to the best of their ability. Dave Fellman will impart critical skills needed for success in the new age of print.”

The seminars are recommended for print salespeople, managers and owners who are looking for strong but simple tools to grow their sales – to get them hitting the ground running in just one day. Moore says, “Whether you work for a big concern or are an owner operator the Dave Fellman Print Sales Event will directly impact on your selling ability: his teaching is recognised for its value around the world.”

The PMG Dave Fellman Print Sales event is endorsed by Printing Industries Association of Australia and Printing Industries New Zealand.

The events will be held in Auckland on May 21, Melbourne on May 22 and in Sydney on May 23. Places are limited and early bird bookings close April 30 – for further information and to register, visit i-grafix.com/dave



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