Inhouse thinks big with wide format merger

Queensland outfit Inhouse Print & Design is bringing wide format company Queensland Posters into the fold in a merger to combine manpower, expertise and their two national customer bases.

Queensland Posters, run by Marc Flemington, has been producing wide format print, point of sale and large format display for the local Queensland and national Australian market for 15 years.

The two companies have been sharing jobs for years, and have decided to make it official. Richard Tillotson, print production manager with Inhouse, tells AP, “Before we got into wide format ourselves, Queensland Posters was producing work for our clients, and we’d supply their customers with smaller printed products. Slowly but surely over the years we have been using each other more and more, and finally decided to jump into bed together at the beginning of the year.

Bob Karlsson, owner of In House Print & Design, with Marc Flemington, owner of Queensland Posters

Bob Karlsson, owner of Inhouse Print & Design, with Marc Flemington, owner of Queensland Posters

“Marc has a wealth of knowledge and has been in the game since basically day one, so he has a vast experience of the different applications and possibilities with different substrates. He was there in the wide format space early in the piece, so he has seen it all come and go.

“Now we are able to offer both of our customer bases a range of printed products under the one roof, so we can also manage colour consistency and the overall look of the print.”

The merger will also allow Flemington time to visit existing and potential customers out in the field, as Inhouse’s staff can take care of production back at the factory.

And rather than hire a third party to carry out installations and assessments, Tillotson says Flemington and the Inhouse team will now be able to take care of most of this work themselves. He says, “It has just made everything easier for everyone, and we are making big savings along the way.”

Flemington has now moved his equipment into Inhouse’s Underwood factory in Brisbane. Inhouse also runs a recently purchased Roland LEJ 640 UV hybrid machine and plotter cutter, and for finishing a three-way trimmer, perfect binder and two new Eurofold creasing and folding machines.

Tillotson says the focus for its machinery is to produce work on a wide range of materials. He says, “We have settled on some simple machines with our plotters, cutters, laminators and celloglaze applicators.”

Inhouse also offers general printing and perfect bound books, and is soon to add a publishing arm to its business.


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