Punjab Kesari registers with QI

Punjab Kesari Group in Jalandhar, India, one of the biggest printing groups in Northern India, his expanded its operation helped by Q.I. Press Controls.

Punjab Kesari Group has invested in new printing plants, simultaneously upgrading existing presses with more automation like motorisation, automatic colour and cut-off register controls, spray bar dampening.The company’s strategy includes the installation of 129 mRC+ register control camera’s, from QI Press Controls, for colour register and cut-off register on different press lines.

AmitwebAmit Chopra (pictured left), vice chairman and joint managing director of Punjab Kesari Group, says, “We are working from an ideologically and technologically sophisticated vision. Our business strategy keeps us in a profitable position and amongst the leaders in the newspaper industry.”

The mRC+, a digital camera with an integrated microprocessor, helps ensure that the measured data is processed in real-time. It has three functions in one scanner: colour register, cut-off register and sidelay register. As the camera can read from an unsupported web, the system can be mounted directly after the last print couple ensuring a very tight control loop. QI says that, because the different colours are automatically brought into register while starting up, operators can make substantial savings in labour and waste whilst enhancing the print quality to a constant, high level.

Amit Chopra adds, “Because of good references from users of Q.I. Press Controls’ mRC+ systems our team was convinced that the partnership with Q.I. Press Controls would be the better option for our upgrade investment. The fully automated operation of Q.I. Press Controls’ systems, the user-friendly and logical operating interfaces will considerably increase the effectiveness of Punjab Kesari Group’s production platform. We also feel that Q.I. Press Controls’ personal way of approaching customers whether it is in sales or service will be beneficial to us.”

Vijay Pandya, managing director of Q.I. Press Controls India, says, “For us this order is important as with this order Q.I. Press Controls can add her first big Newspaper group in local language of the Northern part of India to her client base. It will help us to enter in other similar vernacular newspaper groups in that part of the country.”


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