Xeikon’s labels and packaging director Filip Weymans is currently in the region to promote the company’s Labelexpo presence, which will include the launch of a new super-black for wine labels.
Weymans says, “Many wine labels are designed with a solid dense black, which can be difficult to reproduce using the process colours, there can be a red or blue hue.

Regional tour: Filip Weymans (l), Xeikon label and packaging director, with Grish Rewal, CEO of Australia and New Zealand distributor Absolute Electronics
“The new super black from Xeikon is the first digital toner that gives digital printers a true dense black, printing at a 2.3 density as standard.”
According to Weymans label printers in the region want to know how the developments in digital printing are progressing.
He says, “Toner-based digital printing gives an unbeatable quality.”
He also revealed that Xeikon will have three digital presses at Labelexpo, a 3500 on its booth in the packaging area, a 3300 in the labels area and a mystery press also in the labels area, Weymans would not be drawn on any details on this press.
The 3500 in the packaging zone will be printing personalised packaging, with an inline spot varnish and an inline Bograma converting line.