As part of its Leadership Education Programme, GAMAA (the Graphic Arts Merchants Association of Australia) will conduct a residential workshop with the theme Power and Influence, in Sydney in August. Run as a three-day residential module, each workshop offers a limited number of places for professionals working in graphics, printing, publishing and related industries who are seeking to improve their business, management leadership skills and potential.Key areas such as team building, negotiation, problem-solving and values analysis provide participants with real, practical tools to take back and use in their day-to-day work environment.
The workshop Power and Influence will explore the opportunities that face leaders today in creating a new way forward. GAMAA says the programme will canvas these opportunities focusing on the contributions that strong connection in relationships can make to the challenge of working within environmental uncertainty and ambiguity.
The workshop will be brought together through facilitated sessions and exercises that encourage participants to apply the course concepts to their own environment and develop personal action plans.
Meredith Darke, national marketing manager, Intergrafica Print & Pack, and the President of GAMAA says, “The GAMAA Workshops are a must for anyone who is interested in enhancing their leadership skills. They enable you to continue to improve interpersonal skills and to explore your own personal leadership style.”
Workshop Dates are August 25-27, location is the Vibe Hotel, North Sydney, cost is $2950 + gst.