Australia may be in the running to secure a post-war Iraq contract after all, with Prime Minister John Howard putting his hand up in an effort to gain the contract for the printing of Iraq’s new currency. The current banknotes feature the image of ousted president Saddam Hussein and understandably need to be replaced. According to Howard, Australia’s record with currency printing speaks for itself, having already printed currency for over 20 other nations, and he has wasted no time in putting forward a number of options and ideas on the form of Iraq’s new banknotes.It is unclear when such a contract would be awarded, with Howard admitting that there is a strong likelihood that American currency will be used for an undetermined interim period now that the allied war objectives are for the most part completed.
"I would hope that after an interim period where I guess they’ll use American dollars, whatever currency emerges is one that the Iraqi people want," said Howard in a recent interview.