Nationwide News general manager, Jim Nally, outlines the changes which are planned and underway at Chullora (top). Agfa\'s Ron Stewart explains the finer points of the Polaris computer to plate system
The Chullora Print Centre was the focus of a members only visit by the LIA’s NSW Division on Tuesday evening, June 24. General manager, Jim Nally hosted the visit and with Project Co-ordinator Peter Williams led the members on a comprehensive tour of the facilities.A highlight of the visit was a demonstration of the Agfa Polaris computer to plate system. There are three further plate lines to be progressively commissioned.
The group was told that the increase in processing speed of new systems and reductions in the cost of plate material now made CTP a sound investment. When all four systems are up and running the plant will have the theoretical capacity to produce 440 Newsman plates per hour.
Following dinner at the Strathfield Golf Club, Jim Nally spoke candidly on "The future of the newspaper - A News Limited perspective."
He outlined the changes that will take place over time and concluded that the newspaper will continue to be the vehicle of choice for news and information into the foreseeable future.