Konica Minolta takes stake in MGI

Konica Minolta takes stake in MGI

MGI Digital Graphic Technology has reached an agreement with Konica Minolta for the Japanese digital giant to acquire a 10 per cent stake in MGI.

The companies say the investment, valued at €13.7m, will help drive future growth, forming part of a common long term vision to establish a stronger presence in the professional digital printing market.

Edmond Abergel, chief executive and chairman of MGI, says, “We are very happy and proud that Konica Minolta recognises our accomplishments and our capacity to innovate. This strategic alliance will be the basis for the development of tomorrow’s innovative digital solutions for the Graphic Art industry and printed electronic 3D.”

The collaboration involves a strategic alliance designed to leverage co-development and co-marketing of existing and future products. The companies say they will build upon each other’s strong history, proven track record of innovation and customer service to create a strong joint effort enabling long term successes.

The companies say the agreement will allow for:
• MGI to grow to greater heights as a global player, as it gains additional exposure supported by the strong reputation and positioning of Konica Minolta worldwide;
• Konica Minolta to capitalise on MGI’s expertise in the digital printing market and its capacity to innovate;
• Both companies to devote their best efforts to expand sales of existing and new products, including, but not limited to, the Meteor Digital Press line (pictured);
• And, as part of this alliance, MGI will maintain its independence and will remain autonomous in defining its strategic axes in the midst of a rapidly evolving industry landscape.

Konica Minolta says it will promote the genre-top strategy (which it describes as a strategy to concentrate the management resources on the most promising business areas and markets to ensure global leadership in these fields) in these growing markets, especially in the field of production printing systems.

Through this strategic alliance, Konica Minolta says it aims to achieve group-wide growth and make the most of its corporate value


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