Flint unveils packaging gold

Food packaging printed with Flint Group technology is now eligible for a little extra sparkle and shine; the narrow web division is adding UV metallic inks and pastes in gold and silver to its low migration solutions.

Antoine Fady, CEO of Flint Group

Antoine Fady, CEO of Flint Group

Flint says the Low Migration UV Flexo Silver, its first generation single-component metallic UV flexo ink, achieves migration levels below 10 ppb. It says it exhibits good metallic performance, cure speed, adheres to a range of paper and synthetic substrates and complies with Swiss regulations and the January 2013 Nestlé Guidance Note on Packaging Inks.

The Low Migration Metallic Pastes – in rich gold, pale gold and silver – are suited to narrow web low migration applications. Flint says it has designed them as two-component ink systems, allowing printers to buy the necessary components to mix gold and silver shades locally in both Lithocure Ancora (UV offset) and Flexocure Ancora (UV flexo) systems. It says these pastes have also passed stringent migration tests.

The new inks and pastes are currently available in Europe and will be on sale in North America in March – no date has been confirmed for release in the Asia Pacific. Over the past few years Flint says it has seen volumes of its low migration ink sales grow dramatically, particularly in Europe; the expanded range with metallic options may capture the attention of luxury or premium brands.

Other UV low migration inks on offer from Flint include UV flexo, UV offset, UV metallic, flexo cold foiling adhesive, UV flexo laminating adhesive, UV flexo Low, COF Shrink White and several UV flexo coatings.


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