Mimaki goes social

Mimaki Australia is getting connected across the gamut of social media sites, to boost its profile in the market since launching its own subsidiary here in November last year.

Innovations, updates, offers, news and events will be on show via Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Brad Creighton, national sales and marketing manager with Mimaki Australia, says the beauty of these sites is that visitors connect voluntarily, and it is a two-way channel with benefits for both sides.

Mimaki facebook_okHe tells Australian Printer, “We are trying to get more connected with our Mimaki client base, with updates regarding Mimaki to keep people aware and up to date. We will also use it to connect with end users, get their feedback about our products, then put that information out there through the Mimaki networks. This can help people to understand how other companies might be using a particular piece of equipment with success – customers may not have considered the product from that angle before.”

Mimaki Australia’s venture into social media follows a successful social ramp-up by Mimaki USA, says Creighton, using event notifications to connect more closely with end users. In Australia, Mimaki hopes to follow suit as its local presence grows. Creighton says there will be more training days and events planned, and the social sites will help to keep customers in the loop.

He adds that Mimaki is taking a top-down approach to its marketing in Australia; he says, “Mimaki Australia is the manufacturer but we don’t sell direct, we only sell through dealers. But I think it is our job to get as much information out to the end user as possible. So we are being proactive at the top end, when we receive inquiries we can get our dealer network involved.

“I personally use LinkedIn a lot; we see more and more connections and even sales through LinkedIn. You certainly can’t put your head in the sand about these things. And you are able to target specific groups, such as customers who are into signage, soft textiles and printing on fabrics, and I guarantee if it is interesting enough information, you will always get feedback.”


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