Rapid’s Bruce Mansell loses eyesight in car crash

Label industry identity Bruce Mansell of Rapid Machinery has been blinded in both eyes following his serious traffic collision on September 19.

Bruce been discharged from hospital into rehabilitation, but wants it to be known that he has lost all sight due to the severity of trauma to his eyes. This is obviously a life-altering event but, as always, Bruce is Bruce_Mansell_okstaying positive and thankful that his injuries are not more severe.

As a brilliant engineer in both the label printing machinery field and also in restoring classic automotive marques such as the Lotus Elite, becoming blind is indeed tragic but Bruce’s resolute positivity and good humour remain undamaged, and in full flight.

Hundreds of messages of goodwill have poured in from all over the world, wishing Bruce a speedy and full recovery. He would like to express his deep gratitude to everyone.


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