Southern Colour’s two new Heidelberg XL106s up and running

Melbourne printer Southern Colour has commissioned its two new Heidelberg XL 106 presses, which it ordered last year at drupa.

Southern Colour's Heidelberg XL106 10-colour press is installed

Southern Colour’s Heidelberg XL106 10-colour press is installed

The ten and six-colour XL 106 models will replace the company’s three-year-old ten-colour perfector press and six-colour with coater.

Rod Dawson, managing director of Southern Colour, says the new XL range takes quality, speed, productivity and efficiency to a new level. He says, “This is great news for our customers and our staff.”

Careful planning has been required for decommissioning the existing machines and installing the new ones without a break in production.

Dawson says, “The whole process has gone really smoothly. We worked with Heidelberg to have a staggered installation so that we wouldn’t lose any capacity and would have two presses in operation throughout the process.

“Everything has gone according to plan and there hasn’t been a single job impacted by the installation. In fact during the install period we have managed an increase of sales over the July and August period which is really pleasing and a credit to our team, the machines and Heidelberg.”

With both new presses featuring Heidelberg make ready technology – InPress Control for on the fly colour and register control, and XL Autoplate to enable simultaneous plate change – the manufacturer also provided training for the Southern Colour team.

Dawson says, “We had Heidelberg’s specialists from Germany on site to train all our printers and that was beneficial.

“Once the ten-colour press was in production we had a Heidelberg perfecting specialist from Germany here to work with us for a week during normal production. That too was beneficial as we were able to throw our real life jobs at him and learn how to set the machine for maximum productivity.”

Damian Fitzpatrick, head of service with Heidelberg ANZ, says, “Ensuring our customers can continue to operate during the installation and commissioning of any new equipment is of paramount importance to our service team.

“We were conscious of making sure that Southern Colour was able to continue with business as usual during the changeover. Our technicians were able to develop a floor plan that enabled Southern Colour to continue to meet its commercial obligations without having to juggle equipment and schedules.”


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