Vendors ponder return to Ipex

Ipex says the decision by IFS-Horizon to return to the show may herald more exhibitors rethinking their withdrawal from the show, slated for the end of March next year.

Horizon – marketed here by Currie Group – may be joined by its rival Duplo, which is also thought to be returning, but is as yet unconfirmed.


Ipex: vendors returning

Ipex has been hit by a slew of major companies pulling out of the once-mighty print exhibition, and has been working hard to rebrand it as a business opportunity event, but with plenty of hardware on display.

However there are no offset press manufacturers on the floor, a situation that is unlikely to change at this relatively late stage, and the digital printers are also thin on the ground, with only Konica Minolta and possibly Ricoh currently committed to the event.

During Ipex a plethora of seminars, workshops and business development events will take place including the World Print Congress, Master Classes, Inspiration Avenue, Cross Media Production and New Technology Zones.


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